But you don’t have to know everything to be a “good parent”.

Only you know the best way to parent your kid.

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You want to be a good parent to your children. But it’s so easy to fall into the comparison trap on social media.

Luckily, you don’t have to do it alone.

Parenting is hard.

more about me

More than two decades of marriage and three adolescent children have taught me a lot about how to prioritize my vocation (career and passions) and my “big V” vocation as a husband and father. 

Don’t get me wrong: I don’t get it perfect and my family isn’t, either. But I’ve learned the difference when I prioritized one over the other.

The difference?

A fuller life.

I speak to parents about navigating through stories and the role we’re meant to play—in the lives of our children and our own.

hello, I'm clay. My Last name is pronounced like "ee-mow".

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I’ve been blessed to be a keynote speaker for in-person and virtual conferences throughout Canada, the United States and even South Africa.

 But I love to engage in conversations of all sizes: I’ve facilitated workshops and sessions with youth, parents, and catechists throughout North America.

I’ve spoken at hundreds of events—from workshops to keynoting at conferences worldwide.

get in touch

If you’re interested in partnering with me to promote your product or brand on social media, send me a message.

Let's team up!

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